Lickershamn Ställplats
STENKYRKA RINGVIDE 537, 624 42 Tingstäde
Lickerhamn's pitch in northwest Gotland. A beautifully situated pitch with a view of the sea and proximity to guest harbour, swimming area, raukar, walking path, etc.
- WC
- Shower
- Fresh water
- Allows animals
- Restaurant
- Near sea
- Allows trailers
- Dish
- Sea View
- Bathing place
- Sauna
- Picknick table
- Fishing
- Miniature golf
- 190kr
Lickershamn ställplats Skapad 1/14/2023 4:17:02 PM Presenterar Lickershamn ställplats på nordvästra Gotland. Läs mer